Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Emerging HR Challenges (Literature Review on Employee Retention)

ANWESH: International Journal of Management & Information Technology

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Chhavi Krishna, Veeralakshmi, Rajesh Upadhyay | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, UTU Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
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Emerging HR challenges or comprised of different organizational factors relating to employee retention has become a biggest challenge in today’s business world. As the job, market is wider and more offerings are attracted. Keeping in mind sensitivity of staffing we have identified various reviews that would help us to find out the relevant variables affecting employee retention. Current paper analyzes different literature based on secondary data to identify the gap. The objectives set for this paper is to investigate the factors affecting employee retention and to evaluate the factors affecting job satisfaction.

Keywords: HR Challenges, Employee Retention, Satisfaction.

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