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The Relationship Between Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Evidence from Married Women IT Employees and School Teachers in Chennai

ANWESH: International Journal of Management & Information Technology

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: A. Pandu and Sankar R. | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Pondicherry Univ. Community College, Pondicherry, India
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Job Satisfaction refers to the level of satisfaction received by the employees from doing his job. The Job satisfaction is decided based upon many factors and among them the most important factor is the work life balance. So, in order to find out the impact of work life balance on Job satisfaction, the variables such as work-family conflict, family-work conflict, work environment, feelings about work, work life balance and Job Satisfaction were taken into account. The data were collected from 104 IT employees and 69 school teachers. The data has been analyzed using Correlation and Multiple Regression. It is identified that feelings about work have a strong and positive relationship with Job satisfaction at .815 correlation coefficient. The study has also discovered that work life balance and job satisfaction are related with one another at 0.037 coefficients. Hence, it is found out that there is a significant relationship between work life balance and job satisfaction. Therefore, it is concluded that through the better work life balance the job satisfaction of the employees rises and in turn the attrition rate could be reduced.

Keywords: Family-work conflict, Feelings about work, Job satisfaction, Work environment, Work-family conflict, Work life balance.

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