Tuesday, 11 Mar, 2025




COVID Outbreak and its Impacts on Selling of Temple Foods: A Study based on Lord Baldev Jew Temple, Kendrapara, Odisha

AVAHAN: A Journal on Hospitality and Tourism

Volume 9 Issue 1

Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: Susanta Ranjan Chaini | Author(s) Affiliation: Dean and Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Mgt., SGT Univ., Gurugram, Haryana, India.
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The aim of this research paper is to find out the impacts of COVID outbreak on selling of temple foods particularly in Lord Baldev Jew temple, Kendrapara, Odisha. COVID outbreak in India and the world has made the hospitality sector a stand still. Around four Crores of tourism & hospitality employees and people depending on tourism activities suffered a lot. This Pandemic is considered as one of the worst crises ever to hit the Indian tourism industry impacting all segments. It is very much essential to minimize all possible touch points between a guest and staff not only in hotel or restaurants but also in all organized&non-organized sectors which in other hand will help in fighting against COVID. Odisha is known for its temples not only in India but also for the whole world. It has a rich tradition and cultural heritage. Temple food orPrasad or Bhog which is the food prepared in the temple premises, offered to the deity & then distributed among the devotees. When food is linked with religious activity it takes on a special significance. Many people earned their livelihood by selling temple food to devotees as well as religious tourists. Because of Covid outbreak temples are closed, people are debarred to enter into the temple and at the same time large gathering are also avoided. Hence consumption of temple food has gone down drastically due to which people selling temple food affected directly. Various suggestions are provided based on the research study for temple food vendors to handle the situation of pandemic in a smoother way.

Keywords: COVID, Pandemic, Tourist, Prasad, Bhog & Temple Food

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