Profile of the Customers and Level of Banking Penetration: A Relationship Study
Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Mohammed Abubakkar Siddique R., Selvakumar M. |
Author(s) Affiliation: PhD Research Scholar, PG and Research Dept. of Commerce, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Tamil Nadu
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This paper aims to analyze the socio-economic and banking profile of the customers and the level of banking penetration of rural areas of Sivakasi. This study contains both primary data and secondary data. The researcher has used convenient sampling technique for the selection of the 200 sample respondents. Percentage analysis is used throughout the study. The researcher has applied the Chi-Square test by using of SPSS to test the relationship between socio-economic profiles of the respondents such as gender, age, educational status, family monthly income, and employment status, and their level of penetration. The Chi-Square test result reveals that there is no significant association between gender of the respondents and the level of penetration and there is significant association between socio-economic variables such as age, educational status, family monthly income, and employment status, and the level of penetration. In order to find whether the level of penetration differs on the basis of type of bank, purpose of opening bank account, and number of year’s deals with bank account, the researcher has applied Kruskal Wallis test with the help of SPSS. Kruskal Wallis test results found that there is significant difference in the level of penetration on the basis of type of the bank, purpose of opening bank account, and number of year’s deals with bank.
Keywords: Banking Penetration, Rural Customers, Banking Products and Services
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