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Awareness of Krishikosh and Its Uses Among Foreign Scholars of CCSHAU, Hisar and LUVAS, Hisar: A Case Study

International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Bhanu Partap | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Librarian, Nehru Library, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana, India.
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The technological advances have changed the scenario of every walk of life. Similarly, the knowledge management practices have also changed and all the information is stored in digital form now. The origins of institutional repositories are also made for long-term preservation of our knowledge and culture. The present paper is a case study of CCS HAU, Hisar and LUVAS, Hisar in order to know about the use and awareness of Krishikosh institutional repository among the foreign scholars. It was found that 46.52% of the respondents were fully satisfied with the use of Krishikosh institutional repository, 37.20% respondents were partially satisfied, while 16.28% respondents were not satisfied. It was also suggested by the researcher that awareness programmes on Krishikosh should be organized on regular basis so that ultimate users’ satisfaction would be achieved.

Keywords: Awareness, Digital Library, Electronic Resources, E-Repository, Institutional Repository, Krishikosh, Satisfaction

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