Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




Exploring the Directory of Open-Access Books with a Special Focus on Science and Technology Collection

International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Zahid Ashraf Wani, Sumeera Amin Dar, Raashida Amin | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Prof., Dept. of Lib. and Inf. Science, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
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The Directory of Open-Access Books (DOAB) is a platform to discover open-access books. Peer-reviewed e-books published under open-access business model are being furnished here with links to the full text of the publications at the Open-Access Publishing in European Networks Library, publisher’s website, or repositories. The study has explored the DOAB database to identify the open-access books in the field of Science & Technology. The data have been collected from DOAB (available at In total of 2093 books available in the discipline of Science & Technology (S & T), the maximum number of books are on Science-General (628) followed by Health Science (420), Biology and Life Sciences (384), Technology and Engineering (244), and Earth and Environmental Sciences (183). Furthermore, English was found to be the predominant language with 1677 books, followed by Portuguese (153) and German (90). The publisher trend reveals that the most dominant open-access book publisher in the field of science & technology is Frontiers Media SA (876 books), followed by Springer (233), MDPIAG (103), ANU Press (94), and SciELO Books-Editora FIOCRUZ (88).

Keywords: Open-access, Directory of Open-Access Books (DOAB), Science & Technology, OAPEN

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