Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025




Green Library: A Strategic Approach to Environmental Sustainability

International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Saumya Gupta | Author(s) Affiliation: Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) (2018-2020), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
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The world is facing the unprecedented consequences of climate change, where the terms pollution, e-waste, and depletion of natural resources has become a part of our daily lives. Libraries of the 21st century have the potential to play the leadership role and address the issue of environmental sustainability by developing green libraries. The aim of the paper is to provide a holistic approach and understanding to the concept of green libraries. The article has categorised four major measures and practices to help develop a green library: (1) by having a green design and interior, (2) by incorporating green practices in day-to-day operations of libraries, (3) green collection development and literacy programmes, and (4) adopting emerging innovative and smart technologies that can be integrated into the functioning of libraries. Significant findings of previous literature on the status of green libraries in India and the impact of green libraries in energy reduction are also discussed. The paper analyses the LEED and GRIHA green-building rating system, green library initiatives undertaken in India, and the objectives of the IFLA Green Library Award. The article gives an insight into the strategic green library practices adopted by Rangsit University, winner of the IFLA Green Library Award 2020, and the contribution of a green library in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. The article concludes with major insights that the author has observed, after evaluating green library literature, giving suggestions for promoting and implementing green libraries.

Keywords: Green Libraries, Sustainable Libraries, Green Building, LEED, GRIHA, Green Practices

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