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Impact of Library Automation on the Professional Development and Job Satisfaction of Staff: A Case Study of Sam Jonah Library, University of Cape Coast

International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Matilda Ampah-Johnston, Paulina Nana Yaa Kwafoa | Author(s) Affiliation: Professional Librarian, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
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In a world overwhelmed by technology, academic libraries should revolutionise how they perform their functions. This study presents the impact of automation on the professional development of staff and also evidence of job satisfaction derived from the use of an automated system. The research employed a cross-section survey design, by sampling 129 staff of the Sam Jonah Library, University of Cape Coast, excluding the auxiliary staff. The instrument used was a structured questionnaire with both open- and close-ended questions. The data was analysed using SPSS with presentations in tables, and percentages. A chi-square test with a significance level of 0.05 was used. The study found that library automation has improved the professional capacity of staff through the attendance of international and local workshops, seminars, and course programmes at various institutions of learning. Majority of the staff were satisfied with the use of the system since it motivates them to give their best. The circulation and cataloguing modules provide staff with high levels of satisfaction, while other modules of automation need to be improved. Some recommendations include the encouragement of staff to build their capacity by taking part in continuous education programmes and a call on management of the library to expedite action in the improvement of the serials and acquisitions modules.

Keywords: Technology, Library Automation, Professional Development, Satisfaction, Library Staff, Sam Jonah Library, Skill, Module

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