Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024




Nature Reviews Cancer: A Bibliometric Study

International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries

Volume 5 Issue 2

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Mahendra Kumar Sahu | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Librarian & Head, Management Development Institute, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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Cancer is the most imperative growing health issue in the world. Various significant research works have been conducted on cancer and its allied diseases. However, there have been very few analysis related to cancer scientific publications over the past two decades. This paper tries to provide a bibliometric approach to analysing Nature Reviews Cancer, a Springer Nature journal that is published monthly and indexed in the Scopus database. A total of 3,126 documents were retrieved from the Scopus database during the period 2001 to 2018. Further, the bibliographic information were analysed using RStudio. The highest (37.42%) percentage of documents were in the form of reviews. A comprehensive bibliometric analysis has been used to analyse the annual growth trend, the document types, the most productive author, the top contributing country, the top contributing institution, and the most cited article published during 2001 to 2018.

Keywords: Nature Reviews Cancer, Bibliometric Study

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