Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Parental Attitudes and Childrens Perception on Gender Discrimination: Evidences from Rural Rajasthan

Indian Journal of Sustainable Development

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Hemraj Jangir, Abdul Azeez E.P. | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, New Delhi, India.
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This study aimed to make an in-depth understanding of the debilitating practice of gender discrimination and its effects on the development of girl child. Rajasthan, a State where gender related development indicators are low and scrimination and its effects on the development of girl child. Rajasthan, a State where gender related development indicators are low and gender based discrimination is very prevalent, formed the context of the study. The present study paid special attention to investigate the prevalent parental attitudes and practices on gender discrimination and how it is perceived by girls as an impact on their life. The participants of the study constitute girl children and their parents. A total of 50 girls and their parents participated in the study. Information for the study was collected through a semi structured interview schedule. Results of the study indicate that there are many spheres of gender discrimination are persistent in the study localities. Gendered notions are prevalent in almost all the practices pertaining to the girl child. A higher magnitude of gender based discrimination is perceived by the girls participated in the study. The rights to development and participation are denied to a wider extent. An environment which is non-conducive for the holistic development of girls is very much persistent. The implications of the present study advocate for a grassroots level intervention with the significant role given to girls as change makers for themselves.

Keywords: Gender Discrimination, Practices, Attitude, Perception, Rajasthan

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