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Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Ghana, the Role of Academic Libraries

Journal of Applied Information Science

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Diana Atuase | Author(s) Affiliation: Sam Jonah Library, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
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Issues on gender inequality and women empowerment is not a new phenomenon. Governments and other organizations over decades have consistently laid down processes and means to regularize situations surrounding gender. Amidst the initiatives, developmental information is seen as a stop-gap measure to end gender issues. This paper examined the role of academic libraries in promoting gender equality and women empowerment. The study reviewed existing literature, concepts from theoretical framework and interviews from librarians. The outcome of the study revealed that the rich and diverse information resources and professional service provisions of libraries position them to provide the right information resources and as well inform, educate and train women to realize their potentials. The study indicated that libraries are development agents and catalyst to women empowerment. However, inadequate knowledge to access the right information hinders the progress of women. The study further revealed that financial and low investments were the major setback for academic libraries to play its integral role to sphere head the course of gender equality and empower women. It was recommended that government officials, stakeholders, traditional leaders, and decision-makers should be apt and recognize the value of libraries in women development and partner librarians to explore creative ways to close the gender inequality gap. The study proposed a conceptual framework as a new paradigm shift for academic libraries to promote gender equality and women empowerment.

Keywords: Academic libraries, Developmental information, Gender inequality, librarians, Women empowerment.

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