Monday, 21 Oct, 2024




Beyond Networks and Status: The Role of Social Positioning in Shaping Entrepreneurship Behaviour

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management

Volume 13 Issue 2

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Auditi Pramanik | Author(s) Affiliation: Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
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The paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of entrepreneurship literature and investigates the intricate relationship between social positioning and entrepreneurship behaviour, analysing how an individual’s social context including social status, cultural identity, and networks, collectively shape an individual’s entrepreneurial motivations, decisions, and outcomes. Drawing from a wide array of interdisciplinary studies spanning sociology, psychology, economics, and management, the paper explores how social positioning acts as a lens through which individuals perceive opportunities, assess risks, and navigate the entrepreneurial landscape. This paper posits that an individual’s social positioning, encompassing elements such as social status, networks, and cultural affiliations, acts as a lens through which their motivations, risk perceptions, and strategic decisions in entrepreneurship are shaped. It is argued that an individual’s social positioning serves as a foundation for their self-concept, influencing their aspirations, values, and goals. The intricate interplay of these external factors with an entrepreneur’s social positioning underscores the complexity of entrepreneurial behaviour, highlighting how societal and contextual forces shape the opportunities pursued, risks undertaken, and outcomes achieved. Despite significant progress, the paper highlights research gaps, including the need to explore the two-way relationship between social positioning and entrepreneurship, the intersectionality, the temporal evolution of social positioning, and the influence of cultural and institutional factors. Finally, the paper concludes by underscoring the relevance of this research area for informing policy making, fostering diversity, and contributing to the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship in a rapidly changing world.

Keywords: Cultural Capital, Opportunity Perception, Risk Perception, Social Network, Social Status

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