Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025




Competency of Women LIS Professionals in Selected Institutions of Tamilnadu

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management

Volume 5 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Gandhimathi S., Radhakrishnan, N. | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, DLIS, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
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Information Communication Technology has altered the traditional scenario of academic library set up beyond imagination. This dramatic shift has altogether brought huge impact and influence on knowledge and skill requirements of LIS professionals across the world. This paper is the outcome of a pilot study which was taken up as part of research work leading to a PhD. The study intended to develop a compact, comprehensive, and congenial skills statement that would act as a solid framework towards LIS practitioners in the digital library environment. This attempt was solely intended to weigh and measure the existing practices, competencies, acquired knowledge and to identify the need for further skills development as the need of the hour. Taking a platform of existing literature, a web based questionnaire was administered to 70 select academic librarians in Tamilnadu. The study rightly unmasks the need to refine, revamp and reinforce the contemporary education and training programmes in the country as well as for other nations. Various statistical tools are used like Mean, Standard deviation and Variance for this study. It was analyzed the professional skills of Women Librarians like Personal skill, Technical skill, Generic skill, IT skills etc., Maximum librarians were familiar with personal skills.

Keywords: Competency, Librarians, Women, Professionals, Tamilnadu

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