Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Design of Efficient Ring VCO using Nano Scale Double Gate MOSFET

Mody University International Journal of Computing and Engineering Research

Volume 2 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Shruti Suman | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of ECE, Mody Univ. of Scie. and Tech., Rajasthan, India
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In this paper a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) using MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) and Double Gate (DG) MOSFET are compared and analyzed. The comparison has been done on the basis of different parameters: voltage swing, tuning range, power consumption, number of stages and phase noise. Two architectures namely current starved ring VCO and inverter based oscillator are implemented using DG MOSFET. The results of simulation indicated that implementation using DG MOSFET, gives very high tuning range as compared to MOSFET based VCO. The Tuning range in current starved VCO using DG MOSFET is found out to be 16 GHz to 22 GHz compared to MOSFET which is only 3 GHz to 5 GHz. The phase noise performance of DG MOSFET based VCO is also better than MOSFET based VCO for low frequency domain.

Keywords: CMOS Technology, Ring Oscillator, Current Starved Ring VCO, Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Phase Noise, Double Gate MOSFET

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