Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Smart Meter Data Transmission Using Programming Platform of PLC and HMI

Mody University International Journal of Computing and Engineering Research

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Uma Soni and Uma Kumari | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, SET, Mody Univ. of Science and Tech., Rajasthan, India.
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This paper comprises of PLC programming of the smart meters and monitoring network systems (which use smart meter) in real time for data communication. It gives brief of PLC programming for smart-meter. In this one gets to know- how a PLC get the value from a smart meter using wireless communication. Also this paper explains how the field data of sensors (used in industrial purpose) are transferred to PLC, and how it displays on the HMI.

Keywords: HMI, PLC programming, Smart meter, Wireless communication.

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