Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025




Editors Interview

Conversation with Editor of International Journal of Tourism & Travel ( IJTT)

Professor (Dr.) Nimit Chowdhary, editor for IJTT & presently Chairman for the PGDM programme at IITTM, and responsible for research and extension activities. With over 16 years in academics he is primarily associated with teaching of courses on Tourism (entrepreneurship and destination management), Services (Strategy, Management and Marketing), Quality (Quality Systems, Statistical Quality Control) and Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.

He was instrumental in bringing up a Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (CESBM) at Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer with support from Central government. As per his vision, he always prefers to be a part of the group that is dedicated to the cause of education, research, training and consultancy particularly in the areas of small business and management.

What is your idea behind introduction of Journal (IJT&T)?

There are few world class journals on tourism from this part of the world that present research of interest to this region. IITTM being one of the oldest and prestigious tourism school in South Asia looks forward to present best of the best information for knowledge seekers in the field of tourism and travel.

What is the target market of Journal?

IJT&T target audiences are entrepreneurs, business executives, policy makers, intervention agencies, researchers and academics among others. Given the diverse nature of our audiences and their requirements journal will prefer to receive contributions those are generalisable across a variety of tourism, travel and related businesses, sectors, nations and economies.

IJT&T shall also serve as an opportunity for those with experience and imagination to test their ideas by sharing it with a larger peer group that demonstrate commitment to the cause of tourism and travel. IJT&T shall have special interest in South, South-east Asian and Pacific tourism and travel and its variants.

What is your criteria / policy of shortlisting articles for your journal?

Editorial wisdom regarding the fit of submission with journal’s policy and scope followed by blind peer reviewed process wherein article’s are accepted after reviews from external reviewers who are best in the field. Moreover we always prefer original research invite contributor’s and readers to share their ideas and knowledge on the same.

How users & subscribers would be benefited by availability of online version of journals?

Availability of Journal in online format will definitely increase reach and ease of access for readers globally.

Your Future plans in regards to the journal?

First, we would like to focus on upgrading the quality of content so as to offer value for our readers and add to their knowledge and subsequently might look forward to increase the frequency of the journal.

Conversation with Editor of Journal of West Asian Studies

The editor, Dr. Mohammad Gulrez is Chairman and Professor of Political Science in the Centre of West Asian Studies at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. His specialization includes conflicting building measures and peace issues in South & South West Asia.

What is the objective of West Asian Studies Journal?

The research Journal has been brought out with the objectives:

  1. To provide authentic, reliable, well documented and unbiased recorded information.
  2. Creation of opportunities to bring India and countries of West Asia and North Africa closer.
  3. Provide a forum for a better understanding of the world which could enhance the prospects of global peace.
  4. Providing forum for scholars of West Asian Studies to come closer to each other.

What is your policy of short listing articles for your journal?

Journal of West Asian Studies is a referred Journal. Initially articles are reviewed for suitability within the scope of Journal and then sent to experts of the respective subject areas for their reviews.

Based on careful examination and views submitted by the experts, articles are send back to the editor who in consultation with associate editors send them for publication if revision is not required.

What are the basic activities of Centre of West Asian Studies Department?

The Centre’s activities include undertaking of in-depth research studies, organization of conferences, seminars, symposia, workshop and group discussions on varied aspects of the area. The studies and researches undertaken by the centre aim at being relevant to India and issue oriented. The purpose is to promote relations in between India and the West Asian countries.

The Research programmes of the centre have been designed in a way that help to cater our national needs and create and foster better understanding between India and the countries of West Asia.

How users & subscribers would be benefited by availability of online version of journals?

By subscribing on-line version of the Journal, the Scholars and Researchers will find timely and regular update on the issues relating to West Asia studies.

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