Friday, 28 Mar, 2025





Publishing India Group (PublishingIndia) was launched in year 2009, with an objective to be among India's full text publisher covering niche disciplines of Management. We initiated with our first individual journal in year 2010, titled "International Journal of Financial Management" which intends to provide the super ordinate podium to the researchers to share their findings with the global community after having crossed the quality checks and legitimacy criteria, which in no way promise to be liberal.

Based on the same and in line with our objectives, we came out with another set of journals during year 2011, covering areas such as Supply Chain Management, Human Resource, Organizational Behaviour, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Accounting Research, Entrepreneurship and other related areas. Most of our journals are following Peer review process and are indexed within International Databases such as Business Source Complete, Cabell's Directory, Ulrichs' Web & others. Within years to come, we look forward to expand the range of journals available with us.

Journals published under the aegis of Publishing India Group, is following a common policy from editorial perspective, which states:

  • To promote quality research, we will not charge authors for submission, processing or publication charge. Services for authors are free of charge.
  • We will follow, fair policy of publication with no preference to any individual or society or institution, whatsoever.
  • Articles will be reviewed on first come- first review basis.
  • With our limited resources, we will try to check each and every article with the plagiarism check software before it is sent in to the review.
  • As much as possible, we will follow double blind peer review process so as to ensure fair and quality review feedback.

Rather than Rejection, we believe in Revision. Our first priority will be to covert ordinary content in to quality content by suggesting revisions. Thereby, providing opportunity to authors to improve upon their research work.

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