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Viable Learning Methodologies and Innovative Pedagogies for the State of the Art Education in India

ANWESH: International Journal of Management & Information Technology

Volume 7 Issue 1

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Jayadatta S., Rajan Raykar and Rajendraprasad H. | Author(s) Affiliation: KLEs IMSR, BVB Campus, Vidyanagar, Hubli, Karnataka, India.
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There is a general belief that educational systems should equip students with the skills and competencies they need to deal with an ever-changing environment. Critical thinking, problem solving, collaborative skills, innovation, digital literacy, and flexibility are frequently mentioned. What is debatable is how best to achieve the development of those skills, specifically which teaching and learning methodologies are ideal for supporting or enabling the development of complex skills. In this study, we build on our past work in our Innovating Pedagogy report series, which explored new kinds of pedagogy for an interactive environment. We present a collection of cutting-edge pedagogical approaches that have the potential to alter teaching and learning. To choose which pedagogies to include in this paper, an integrated framework was created, consisting of five dimensions: (a) relevance to effective educational theories, (b) research evidence about the effectiveness of the proposed pedagogies, (c) relation to the development of twenty-first century skills, (d) innovative aspects of pedagogy, and (e) level of adoption in educational practice. “Digital learning and innovation” is becoming increasingly crucial in the core literacy of the information technology field as the digital age progresses. If we are to stimulate and nurture a spirit of learning as well as excitement on the side of students for learning while at universities and indeed for lifetime learning, we must use creative teaching and learning approaches. Educations responsibility is to ensure that, while academic personnel teach, what they teach is understandable to students from a variety of cultural and language backgrounds and those they quickly become familiar with the anticipated standards. Students frequently underachieve because they lack understanding of the assessment level or what the professor expects of them. Lecturers should use innovative ways to ensure that students learning processes are as free-flowing as feasible, and that the methodology they use is favourable to learning. Short lectures, simulations, role-playing, portfolio development, and problem-based learning (PBL) are all beneficial teaching and learning approaches for dealing with the rapid technology changes and developing workplaces that will be necessary in the near future. This essay, which is relevant in the larger debate about higher education change, focuses on skills that can help students improve their language learning and content knowledge.

Keywords: Content knowledge, Critical thinking, Innovative pedagogy, Learning methodology, Role-playing, Simulations.

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