Tuesday, 04 Mar, 2025




Green Hotels for Sustainable Development

AVAHAN: A Journal on Hospitality and Tourism

Volume 2 Issue 1

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Alok Kumar | Author(s) Affiliation: Prog.Coordinator,Dept. of Hospitality & Hotel Admin.BPS Women Univ.,Sonepat,Haryana,India
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Tourism is recognized as one of the worlds largest industries and continues to expand at a rapid rate. Hotel and Catering is the industries employing lakhs of people. The hotel industry constitutes a large part of the tourism industry and if not managed properly, it has the potential to be detrimental to the social and natural environments within which it functions. A modern hotel is one of the largest single-user of water. Further, this water with dirt and chemicals are disposed into sewerage and to eco-system. In 1987, Brundtlant commission outlined holistic concept of sustainable development in its report. The goal of Sustainable Development is to secure economic development, social equity, and environmental protection. Eco-development, now sustainable development, is terms addressing complexity with people becoming more conscious about environment. Hotels are resource intensive and to face up the challenge, it is implementing go green concept!. Green or environment friendly hotels are getting IS014001:2004 certification. These hotels are using bio-degradable products which are a good sign for hotel and the mankind.

Keywords: Tourism, Sustainable Hotel, Ecotel, IS014001:2004, Carrying Capacity

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