Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025




Changing Scenario of Management Education in Recession

Drishtikon: A Management Journal

Volume 1 Issue 1

Published: 2009
Author(s) Name: Kishor L Salve, Mohammed Abdul Raffey
Locked Subscribed Available for All


Imparting teaching and training of business management has to go in the similar drive of the business firms in formulating strategy, implementing plans of action, defining the future role, preparedness for the future troubles and crisis as the industry in reality practices. Crisis management has to be some thing beyond the books in the management institutions. Recession in reality has lot more things in store for the management institutions to learn and act for the future. Dynamism and the trend to change and the continuity of it is pivotal in the decision process of the management education in India. Management education is at the infant stage in India, it has miles to go in order to compete with the world in class and need to contribute a system like other Asian nations “Japan” in particular. Strategy, Planning, Dynamism, Action, Pragmatic approach as the benchmarks are required to be incorporated in the management education to stand apart and to stand with. Recession is like an unwarned storm, economic storms are obvious, every industry needs to stay prepared with the disaster management strategy so is the education industry too. Industry oriented and society oriented approaches of management education in building the nation is as vital as the imparting of the quality education to the young professionals. Influx of expertise is required from all walks of life and professions along with the non bureaucratic interference in the content development. Formalities of the government norms need to be well measured and validation of the training programmes too. Certifications to be recognized through a proper technical evaluation board rather than, with an age old depicted guidelines. Barriers of the content development to be relaxed and practical orientations to be prioritized in management education. Quality only sales, B’ Schools should deliver the same to survive and win in the recession. Recession has a lot in store to learn from the situations in the management education. Key Words: Liberalization, B- Schools, Privatisation, Japanese Management, Degree Education, Cooperative Business.

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