Friday, 07 Mar, 2025




Drivers of Employees Performance in Nepalese Commercial Banks

Drishtikon: A Management Journal

Volume 10 Issue 1

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Renuka Timilsena, Abhishu Rimal | Author(s) Affiliation: MBA (Finance), Department of Mgt., College of Applied Business, Tribhuvan Univ., Nepal.
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Employee’s performance is considered as the fulfillment of given set of tasks in any workplace setting. These days it is an emerging issue in Nepalese organizations as many are considering employees as vital resource. The main purpose of this research is to analyze drivers of employees’ performance in Nepalese commercial banks. For this, the relationship between training, motivation and attitude is tested with employees’ performance. Correlation research design is followed where data is collected from 130 employees. Parametric tests like correlation and regression were done using the “R” programming language – R-3.4.4. The results show: there exists significant relationship of training, motivation and attitude with employee’s performance. This finding suggests that Nepalese banks must focus on training programs by allocating budgets, they must also prioritize on factors that enhance motivation level and bring favorable attitude among employees. Other tests like VIF and Studentized Breusch-Pagan show multicollinearity and heterosadasticity are absent.

Keywords: Employees Performance, Motivation, Training, Attitude

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