Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Strategies to Respond to VUCA World

Drishtikon: A Management Journal

Volume 15 Issue 2

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Mansi Makkar, Neetu Rani | Author(s) Affiliation: Institute of Mgt. Studies and Research, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India.
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Today’s business environment is more volatile than before. Organizations must create and implement plans to deal with this disruptive environment globally. This paper investigates possible strategic solutions businesses could employ to survive in a volatile, uncertain, and complex world. Thus, literature review is carried out to present unbiased conclusions about what is currently known in the field of study. The literature review makes clear that in order for an organization to survive and prosper in a volatile and uncertain business environment, it must first prepare its people. Organizational culture and structure are the two primary themes at the organization level. The organizational structure has decentralized management, resilience, responsiveness, and entrepreneurial mindsets. While the emphasis is on management and leadership at the individual level, covering the competencies that managers should possess, how to find managers who possess these competencies, and how managers should apply their skills, learning organizations, high levels of engagement, promoting innovation, teamwork, and non-linear thinking are characteristics of the organizational culture. In addition, the primary theme is how to get the staff ready for a VUCA environment. There are also distinct interactions noted between leaders, managers, and employees. This study offers insightful information about VUCA-related strategies. This research seeks to improve understanding of organizational development and human resources management as a strategic method that corporate managers and executives may use to navigate a highly volatile and complicated environment. It does this by conducting a thorough review of multiple scholarly articles.

Keywords: VUCA, VUCA World, Human Resources, Strategies

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