Friday, 20 Sep, 2024




Work Deviant Behavior-Employee Engagement: An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Ethical Leadership of Indian Middle Level Managers

Drishtikon: A Management Journal

Volume 7 Issue 2

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Shalini Srivastava | Author(s) Affiliation: Associate Professor (OB/HR), Jaipuria Instiute Management , Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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The paper intends to study the relationship between work deviant behavior and employee engagement as well as the moderating role of Ethical leadership on the relationship in non-western world. 200 middle level managers were surveyed to study work deviant-employee engagement relationship and the moderating role of ethical leadership on the stated relationship. The study found that both the variables i.e., work deviant behavior and ethical leadership was significantly related to employee engagement and ethical leadership moderated positively and significantly work deviant-employee engagement relationship. The present study constituted a relatively small number of regions belonging only to Delhi-NCR region. The study is novel of its kind in the sense little work has been done on these dimensions in Indian context.

Keywords: Ethical Leadership, Employee Engagement, Work Deviant Behavior, Middle Level Managers, Asia

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