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Work-Life Balance as an HR Strategy for Organizational Effectiveness

Drishtikon: A Management Journal

Volume 13 Issue 1

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Bhuvanendran V. B. | Author(s) Affiliation: School of Social Science, Sabarmati University, Gujarat, India.
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Work-life balance influence both professional and personal life of a person. The objective of this study was to measure the effect of work-life balance on organizational effectiveness and how work-life balance affected organizational effectiveness. Sample of the study was 25 disability rehabilitation professionals. Data was collected using interview method. Pilot study was conducted. Semi structured interview was prepared for data collection after comprehensive literature review. Work-life balance is the ability of the individuals to pursue successfully their work and personal lives, without undue pressures from one domain undermining the satisfactory experience of the other. Three major dimensions of work-life balance were studied. First dimension was how work is influenced by life activities, second was how life activities influence work and final dimension was work-life enhancement which include positive effects of one’s work on personal life or vice versa. An organization is considered as working effectively when it is able to achieve its goals. Various dimensions of organizational effectiveness were measured. This includes organizational attachment, job involvement, self control, legitimatization, organizational commitment, innovation, consensus, independence and job satisfaction. Qualitative method was used for both data collection and interpretation. This research studied how various dimensions of work-life balance influence various aspects of organizational effectiveness. The findings of this study reveal that work-life balance is an essential component in determining the organizational effectiveness. The study suggests that work-life balance needs to be used as an effective HR strategy to improve organizational effectiveness.

Keywords: Work-life Balance, Organizational Effectiveness, Disability Rehabilitation, Qualitative Research, Organizational Behaviour

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