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A Study of the Pattern of Anti Dumping activities: A Comparison of India, China and The US

Global Journal of Research in Management

Volume 8 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Samir Parikh, Manish Sidhpuria | Author(s) Affiliation: Engineer with further study in Management
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Dumping is one of the ill effects of increased international trade that has resulted from the undue advantage taken by some developed countries as well as developing countries such as China, and Korea. The countries affected by such dumping naturally initiates anti-dumping (AD) initiatives against the countries accused of dumping. Increased antidumping cases by various countries of the world during last two decades are the clear indication of increased unfair practices of dumping. The present paper is an attempt to carry out a comparative study of the pattern of Ad activities launched by India, China and the US. In order to find out the study, data has been gleaned from the secondary sources of information. The data so collected are tabulated and content analyzed to derive meaningful findings. The analysis of the data revealed that AD initiatives have increased during the period 1995-2016. Moreover, it shows a definite pattern of AD initiatives launched by various countries. It has been found that India has initiated a highest number of AD initiatives (being the most vulnerable to dumping), whereas China tops in the list of countries that has faced a highest number of AD initiatives, and thus most actively involved in dumping activities. The outcome is expected to help the Industries and Government to take more efficient measures to curb the dumping activities and thus safeguard the local industries.

Keywords: Dumping, Anti-Dumping Initiatives, Anti-Dumping Cases, Pattern of Anti-Dumping Activities

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