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Career Success - A Comparative Study on Gen X and Gen Y Managers in Banks - with Special Reference to Chennai

Global Journal of Research in Management

Volume 7 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Srividya Prathiba C.S. | Author(s) Affiliation: Assoc. Prof. and Head, Dept. of Acctg. and Fin., Shift II, M.O.P. Vaishnav Coll. for Women, Chennai.
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This article aims to assess and discuss existing global leadership proficiencies possessed by Gen X and Gen Y managers and the methods which they follow to lead their team. It further aims to understand if competencies help gen x and gen y to achieve hierarchical progression in banks and also provides recommendations as to what these managers can effectually learn. The study is conducted with primary data collected for the research, with a structured questionnaire which focuses on the leadership competencies that are possessed by Gen X and Gen Y managers which helps them to climb the career ladder. This paper analyses the data collected from Gen X and Gen Y managers working with public and private sector banks. The study aims at studying proficiency exhibited in the current position, impending potential and to what degree they are likely to be successful in their career. It also studies the competencies that differentiate Gen X and Gen Y managers enabling an all-inclusive outline of competencies possessed by them. The structure provided in this paper incorporates main findings of the research and it serves as a starting point for banks in term of planning their competency management development programs, and career development activities.

Keywords: Competencies, Gen X, Gen Y, Leadership, Career, Success

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