Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Employee Job Embeddedness: Indicators and the Effect of Intentional Turnover in the IT Sector

Global Journal of Research in Management

Volume 14 Issue 1

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Sapna Ahlawat | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Mgt. Studies at the Global Inst. of Tech. and Mgt. in Gurugram
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Designing employee need-based retention requires a grasp of job embeddedness and its determinants to comprehend the intention of turnover in organizations. This study looks at how certain factors affect workers job embeddedness in the IT sector and how they affect workers inclination to leave. A total of 508 employees from Indian IT organizations are the subjects of the study. It is agreed that the link between an employee intention to leave, the six selected variables, and their job embeddedness does not vary much. The study reveals that there is a negative correlation between job embeddedness and employee turnover intention. This implies that employees with more deeply embedded employment have significantly lower inclinations to leave their jobs. The study shows that a higher degree of employment embeddedness significantly lowers employee propensity to leave the IT business. Consequently, it appears that the majority of workers in the IT sector have little intention of leaving their current position and do not plan to hunt for another one.

Keywords: Job Embeddedness, Indicators of Job Embeddedness, Employee and Intentional Turnover

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