Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Role Efficacy: An Important Determinant of Effective Performance

Global Journal of Research in Management

Volume 8 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Rajni Singh | Author(s) Affiliation: Associate Professor, HR/OB, Hierank Business School, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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Organizations wanted to maximize the productivity of their employees for achieving organizational goals whereas individuals wanted to have satisfaction from their work. If both can be achieved concurrently, there is a true win-win situation. Role efficacy is an important issue which is required to be paid full attention by the practitioner?s as it enhances the personal effectiveness of the individuals. Present study analysis the important factors required for increasing the role efficacy. For this analysis primary data has been collected from 64 FMCG managers working at the middle level management. Using SPSS 20, factor analysis has been done for identifying the factors required for increasing role efficacy of the employees. Components like pro-activity, challenge, flexibility, creativity, growth, role loyalty, role power, problem solving, helping relations and dependence of role have been found as important determinants of role efficacy. These components can be added to the role of the employees in order to enrich their job roles. This study can guide the practitioners about incorporating the desired components in the job of the employees with the help of which their role efficacy can be enhanced and they can become more effective in their roles.

Keywords: Role efficacy, productivity, win-win situation, personal effectiveness

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