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The Study of Health Status and Attitudes towards Buying of the Mediclaim Policy as the Key Drivers for Buying of the Mediclaim Policy in the Gujarat State

Global Journal of Research in Management

Volume 8 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Drishti B. Joshi | Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof., Faculty of Commerce, The Maharaja Sayajirao Univ. of Baroda, Gujarat.
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The Indian health care market at present is at US $ 100 Billion which is expected to reach to US $ 280 Billion by the year 2020. Healthcare spending is expected to grow to 13 per cent by the year 2025. This increasing cost of the health care services led by the various innovations in order to cure the complex diseases, or the newly technologically designed health care services has raised the issue of healthcare financing mechanism, health insurance. However, the health insurance market in India is at the nascent stage, and for grabbing the untapped opportunities of this unexploited health insurance market, the health insurance marketers require to understand the nerves of the health insurance seekers. The present research study focuses on this critical emerging area of the marketing of the health insurance services. The key objective of this descriptive research study is to understand and evaluate mediclaim policyholders? opinions on their health status and attitudes pertaining to buying of the mediclaim policies, in the context of the selected background variables of the selected mediclaim policyholders. The primary data were conveniently drawn using structured-non disguised questionnaire from the selected cities in Gujarat State in order to offer key results, findings and implications using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square test.

Keywords: Black and Scholes option pricing model, Call option, Put option, Premium, Volatility, Paired sample T-test, Greeks Elements.

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