Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Various Initiatives taken by Industries to Develop Employees Skills: A Review

Global Journal of Research in Management

Volume 8 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Charanjeetsingh Dadiyal, Yogesh M. Gosavi | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant professor, SSR Institute of Management & Research, Silvassa.
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Skill is a very crucial asset every organization looks forward to have with their employees. With the competitiveness increasing day by day; the need to equip the workforce with upgraded skill is arising with a tremendous pace. The workforce of any organization is considered to be contributing healthily only if the employees are competent for which they must be equipped with desired skill of that particular Industry. The study aims to understand various initiatives taken by the private sector manufacturingindustries in enhancement of the skills of their employees to make them suitably skilled and a better performing organization as well. The information is gathered through various articles and reports as secondary source .The study is an attempt to bring to the light the growing necessity of the developing the skill of the employees manufacturing industries to remain competitive and grow in the market. The study also attempts to give a signal to the industries about looking into their approach of enhancing the skills of their employees.

Keywords: Skill, initiatives, private sector, manufacturing industries, enhancement

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