Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




Experimental Investigation of Emission Analysis of Diesel Engine Fueled with Pongamia Oil Blends and Petroleum Diesel

HKBK International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Younus Pasha, Udipi Shrinivasa, D. R. Swamy, S. Muzzamil Ahmed | Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof., Dept. of M.E., HKBK College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
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Under Ideal stochiometric condition, Carbon dioxide [CO2] and water [H2O] ought to be the only emissions from the Diesel engine. Transesterification is a chemical process implement to convert raw vegetable oils to biodiesel on usual practice. In the present analysis an effort has made to induce the properties of petroleum diesel to the raw vegetable oil upon mixing high volatile solvent such as petrol. The prepared biodiesel upon charging to C I engine, emission characteristics were measured and compared with the conventional emission of C I engine when it was charge with petroleum Diesel. By considering the due effect of viscosity, Calorific value and Flash point temperature densities the corrective measures have taken to bring the value closer to Diesel. To reduce the pollution level within the acceptable range there is a need for alternative fuel which satisfy the criteria of economical and environment feasible.

Keywords: Bio fuels, Carbon monoxide [CO], Exhaustemissions, Hydrocarbons [HC].

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