Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




A Methodology to Measure Brand and Consumers Personality Congruence: A Study on Wristwatch Brands

International Journal of Applied Marketing and Management

Volume 3 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Saugat Ghosh | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Prof., Dept. of Business Management, Seacom Engineering College, West Bengal, India.
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Brand personality, which is defined as the personality attributes associated with the brands, forms the core of the symbolic benefits associated with the brands. Marketers use the personality attributes of a brand to obtain a differential position in the minds of the consumers. Although theoretical studies have illustrated the importance of brand personality, limited attempts are made to measure it empirically. Moreover, the studies related to the measurement of brand and consumer’s personality congruence are also limited. The following research work is an attempt to delineate a methodology to estimate brand personality. A methodology is also developed to empirically measure the personality congruence between brands and their consumers across different demographic segment and across different levels of brand personality-constructing components for different Wristwatch brands. The work will be useful for both researchers and marketing practitioners to measure their brand’s personality and identify the level of personality congruence with their consumers.

Keywords: Brand Personality Constructs, Direct Association, Indirect Association, Modeling Brand Personality, Measuring Brand Personality Congruence

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