Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Emotional and Fear Appeal in Advertising is an Effective Approach to Aware Against Air Pollution in Society

International Journal of Applied Marketing and Management

Volume 2 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Kunal, Tripta, S. N. Sahdeo | Author(s) Affiliation: Research scholar, Department of Management, Birla Institute of Technology, Jharkhand, India.
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The aim of the present study is to fill the existing gaps in the marketing literature, by providing a comprehensive comparison of fear versus emotional appeals based on high and low involvement of advertising to increase awareness. Further, this article is an attempt to analyse the presentation order of organisation endorser and message content in advertising on perceived persuasion. A questionnaire was individually applied to participants. Relationships between different particles in air were analysed using correlation, regression, and ANOVA test. Among all the pollutants, fine particles are directly associated with increased levels of mortality and morbidity. Due to its bad effect on health and environment, it is necessary to monitor and assess particulate pollution regularly and make aware to the people against its effect. The parameters under study are TSPM, RSPM SO2 and NOX. This study gives a good idea of relationship between TSPM and RSPM. The study also focuses to find the relationships among the levels of concentration of various pollutants and tried to predict the concentration level of one pollutant with respect to another within the available range of the data. It has been found that there is an urgent need to promote appeals advertising against air pollution perceiving uniqueness in emotional and fear response.

Keywords: Advertising, Awareness, Urban Area, Air Pollution, Fine Particles

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