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The Effect of Product Packaging on Consumer Purchase Decision: The Case of Packaged Milk Products, Addis Ababa

International Journal of Applied Marketing and Management

Volume 7 Issue 2

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Temesgen Belayneh Zerihun, Tesfaye Ashebir | Author(s) Affiliation: Addis Ababa University, School of Commerce, Marketing Management Department, Ethiopia.
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When used as a marketing strategy, packaging may be an efficient way to meet marketing goals while also satisfying consumer desire, thanks to its visual components. In Addis Ababa, this study aims to investigate how product packaging affects consumer purchasing decisions for packaged milk products. Explanatory research design was employed, together with a quantitative method, in consideration of the study objectives and questions. Using straightforward convenience sampling, 384 consumers from five supermarkets in Addis Ababa were chosen as the sample. Based on judgmental sampling, which took into account the population’s various socio-economic features as well as location, the supermarkets were chosen. The questionnaires we collected had an overall response rate of 87.76%. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to the data analysis. Only four of the predictor variables – packaging material, packaging design, packaging size, and printed information – had a positive and substantial impact on consumers’ purchasing decisions; however, packaging colour and graphic did not. This was revealed by the empirical results of the multiple regressions. The result and managerial ramifications are then communicated to the various practitioners and planners, along with suggestions for further research.

Keywords: Packaging, Packaging Elements, Consumer Buying Behaviour

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