Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Why do Females Shop? Dimensions of Females Shopping Experience

International Journal of Applied Marketing and Management

Volume 1 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Shilpa Bagdare | Author(s) Affiliation: Asst Prof, Int Inst. of Professional Studies, Devi Ahilya Univ, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Shopping is an enjoyable moment in the life of a female shopper. It has a special meaning and status for females. It is often said that shopping and females are complementary to each other. Females assign a variety of reasons for shopping. With the changing role and status of female in the society, the reasons to shop are also increasing. The present study has tried to find an answer to a very important question, why do females shop? Literature suggests that joy of shopping is the most important motive for a female shopper. A survey of 321 Indian females suggested that the reasons could be described in terms of five dimensions of shopping experience namely special, enjoyment, delight, leisure and recreation. These dimensions collectively describe the sources of joy for Indian female shoppers. The study presents insights for practitioners and researchers.

Keywords: Females Shopping Experience, Women Buying Behaviour, Shopping

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