Monday, 10 Feb, 2025




Content Analysis Concerning Online Shopping in UAE: Evaluation of Impact Score from News

International Journal of Business Analytics and Intelligence

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Jitendra Singh Rathore, Rajita Srivastava | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, WISDOM, Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India.
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The news in newspaper and magazine plays an imperative role to apprise public. People get influenced by the contents (either news or articles), and for businesses, this subjects to spontaneous decisions. It also corroborates greater defy for businesses owing to mammoth amount of data aggregated. The research conducts content analysis of “online shopping news” from two prominent newspapers (Gulf News and The National) and other protuberant sources (including Khaleej Times and Arabian Business) in UAE, summing to 49 news published during 2016-2017. The aim of collecting these documents is to find their impact (in terms of polarity using Plutchik emotional model) on public. The tests consist of impact identification phase, which associates news with impact aggregation and scoring.

Keywords: Content Analysis, Gulf News, Impact Score, Plutchik Emotional Model, The National

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