Sunday, 16 Feb, 2025




Conflict Resolution Strategies and Workers Commitment in Selected Oil Companies in Rivers State

International Journal of Business Ethics in Developing Economies

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Ikechukwu Dialoke, Edeh Friday Ogbu | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of Industrial Relations and Personnel Mgt., Michael Univ. of Agri., Umudike, Nigeria.
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The present study examines the relationship between conflict resolution strategies and workers commitment in selected oil companies in Rivers State. Cross-sectional research design was adopted. Target population for this study consists of oil companies registered with Rivers State Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Ten (10) oil companies make up the accessible population using simple random sampling technique. Copies of questionnaire were used for data collection. 210 workers were surveyed from 10 oil companies. A sample size of 136 was ascertained using Krejcie and Morgan (1978). Face and construct validity was employed. Reliability of instrument was determined using cronbach alpha test. Spearman rank order correlation coefficient was used as statistical tool with the aid of SPSS 22.0. The study found that conflict resolution strategies have a strong positive relationship with workers commitment. The study concludes that conflict resolution strategies measured in terms of integrating (problem solving) strategy, obliging (smoothing) strategy and compromising strategy enhances workers commitment in the selected oil companies in Rivers state. One of the recommendations is that managers in the oil companies should adopt integrating (problem solving) as a conflict resolution strategy in their workplace.

Keywords: Conflict, Conflict Resolution Strategies, Integrating, Obliging, Compromising, Workers’ Commitment, Social Exchange Theory

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