Sunday, 16 Feb, 2025




Demographic Responses to Green Employee Relations (GER) in Indian Railways: A Methodological Exploration

International Journal of Business Ethics in Developing Economies

Volume 8 Issue 2

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: S. C. Das, Raj Kumar Singh | Author(s) Affiliation: Professor of OB & HR, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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The paper aims to analyze the role of demographic profile of employees in influencing Green Employee Relations (GER). It includes employees’ involvement and participation in green suggestion scheme, problem-solving circle and staff independence to form and experiment with the green idea. Employee participation in green initiatives plays a crucial role in attaining environmental sustainability through alignment of employees’ capabilities, goals and motivations with the environmental sustainable activities, which leads toward the sustainable use of existing resources. Due to the heterogeneity in demography in the North Eastern Railways (NER) of Indian Railway, a single policy of environmental sustainability could not solve all the concerned problems of environmental sustainability. This paper assessed the demographic attributes including assessing contribution of employee toward the environmental sustainability through GER. Findings showed that age, education and qualification, and experience influence their perception regarding GER. However, gender and division significantly influence the level of GER. Based on the results, the study suggested relevant implications that policymakers can utilize in making decisions that aim at raising employee relations in Indian Railways, particularly the NER.

Keywords: Green Employee Relations (GER), Environmental Sustainability, Indian Railways, Employee Participation and Involvement

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