Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




Gauging Organization’s views on CSR : Case of Mercedes Benz

International Journal of Business Ethics in Developing Economies

Volume 1 Issue 2

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Naval Lawande, Shubhangi Bhosale | Author(s) Affiliation: *Research Scholar, University of Pune, Pune, India ** Research Associate, Pune, India
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an important strategic area of organizations and has had an enormous impact on the stakeholders. During the last decade this concept has grown phenomenally. The era of corporate organizations paying lip service to social responsibility is fast coming to an end. Social Responsibility assumed by businesses has paid rich dividends over a long period. This has led to CSR becoming a part and parcel of day to day business operations. The recent past has seen CSR becoming a process from a concept and also organizations deriving value from it. In the light of the above, the current case study explores the CSR initiatives of Mercedes Benz India Pvt.Ltd. Some primary research is conducted for the India operations of the company through their web pages containing information’s about their CSR initiatives. The case exemplifies how a company can leverage their perception of CSR among the stakeholders’. The case is an attempt to illustrate this changing paradigm of CSR in the private sector and Mercedes Benz in particular. The case also describes how CSR initiatives of the company have integrated all its stakeholders.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholders, Mercedes Benz

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