Wednesday, 12 Mar, 2025




Relationship of Corporate Governance with Firms Performance and Dividend Payout: A Literature Review

International Journal of Business Ethics in Developing Economies

Volume 7 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Sushila Soriya, Narender Kumar | Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof., Dept. of Commerce, School of Commerce and Mgt., Central Univ. of Rajasthan, Rajasthan
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The present study aims to find the research gap between corporate governance, firm performance, and dividend payout through available literature and develop future scope of the study. The study reviewed 100 research papers covering time from 1995 to 2016. The papers were classified and analyzed based on various approaches. The review of literature indicates that research work on area of corporate governance has increased after 2007-08 crises. The study reveals that the relationship of different variables of corporate governance with dividend payout and firm performance are mixed in nature. It also indicates that different countries have different socio-economic, cultural, political, and legal dimensions that in turn affect the governance regulations of any country. Present study classifies, summarizes, and analyzes the past literature and provides a comprehensive review on corporate governance mechanism, which may be helpful for future research in same area.

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Dividend Payout, Firm Performance, Literature Review

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