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The Impact of Service Ethics on Organizational Competitiveness in India - A Primary Approach to the Startup and Emerging Service Enterprises

International Journal of Business Ethics in Developing Economies

Volume 7 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Rohit Kanda, Harish Handa | Author(s) Affiliation: Sr. Research Scholar, FMS - Faculty of Management, PAHERU Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
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Ethics concern an individual’s moral judgments about right and wrong. The decision to behave ethically is a moral one; employees must decide what they think is the right course of action. This may involve rejecting the route, which would lead to the biggest short-term profit. It seems the larger a corporation gets, the slimier their actions become. When big profits are a company’s largest and only concern, their employees and the world in general tends to suffer. Here are companies, which have engaged in terribly unethical business practices and are, fortunately, being called out for it. Many a times, business houses get involved in unethical business practices to increase their profits or improve their capability in market. Such practices were carried out throughout the world. This calls for studying the matter. Approaching towards our Focus Group, i.e., Indian Service Sector, which is the youngest and the fastest-growing sector of Economy as well as has the largest share in the structure and growth of the economy, is the foremost tool of growth and development of nation, we can have. However, this sector in recent past many a times, especially in India, has been accused of its service failures and incompetence, arising out of irresponsible behaviour / treatise of management or professionals at various levels. Now, in this research that focuses on Emerging and Start-up Indian Service Sector Corporates, the status of ethics in their practices and the need and possibility of its revival has been studied.

Keywords: Ethical Business Practices, Organisational Competitiveness, Services Sector

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