Oriental college of Management, Bhopal, India (*Director, **Lecturer)
In today’s world of cut throat competetion everyone is running after success. People give credits to different elements for
success e.g. operational efficiency, quality of work, personality traits, time management, legitimate path, right methods, tools & techniques,
knowledge management, spirituality or moral power. Even the most eminent personalities and management experts, in organizations, suggest
different principles related to their respective areas. The ‘doctrine of work’ is considered to be one of the most important and fundamental
doctrinenes of classical Indian moral philosophy, explaining the fundamentals behind human efforts and results. This article is an effort to
analyse Indian ethico-moral principle of cause & effect, the doctrine of work, for managers and other professionals in the areas of management,
to remove controversies regarding the factors contributing to success and to develop a holistic view. A brief story, as a case study, is taken from
‘Gargasamhita’( an ancient indian epic by Garga-acharya, 3000 B.C.), which describes the role of six prime elements, the Karma (work),
Karta (doer), Kala (time), Yoga (patha),Vidhigyana (knowledge), and Brahmapurusha (Supreme God) in achieving success. The dialogue
between Pradhumn and Sakuni in the case focuses on the role of various elements of different areas of management in achieving success.
Keywords: Karma (work), Karta (doer), Kala (time), Yoga (path), Vidhigyana (knowledge), and Brahmapurusha (Supreme God).
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