Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Non-Performing Assets Management in the Co-operative Banks in India: A Descriptive Analysis

International Journal of Banking, Risk and Insurance

Volume 8 Issue 1

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Sushmitha G., N. Nagaraja | Author(s) Affiliation: UGC-SRF Scholar, DoS in Commerce, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka
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The Indian banking industry is operating in a dynamic and competitive environment. In recent years banks are exposed to various financial crises or challenges due to the highly competitive nature of the market. These financial crises have an adverse influence on the performance of the bank. One of the major challenges faced by the bank is a problem of the mounting amount of Non-performing assets. Non-performing assets are those loans and advances, on which principle or Interest amount is overdue for a period of 90 days. Non-performing assets are the Indicator of the financial health of the bank. The present study made an attempt to compare the performance of Co-operative banks by analysing the trends of Non-performing assets for the period 2008-2018. The data analysis was done by using statistical tools like tabulation and line graphs. The study observes that the UCBs and StCBs have shown a significant improvement in the management of Non-performing assets in comparison to the DCCBs, PACs, SCARDBS, and PCARDBS.

Keywords: Non-Performing Assets, UCBs, StCB, DCCBs, PACs, SCARDBs, PCARDBs, RBI

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