Monday, 17 Feb, 2025




Factors Leading to Customer Satisfaction in Dairy Industry: A Study in Indian Perspective

International Journal on Customer Relations

Volume 6 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Rajeev Kumar, Ashutosh Mohan | Author(s) Affiliation: Senior Research Fellow (SRF-UGC), Inst. of Mgt. Studies, Banaras Hindu Univ., Varanasi, U.P., India.
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A key characteristic of many, if not all, of the very successful organisations is a supply chain that is truly connected to their customers. A customer driven supply chain starts with understanding the customer requirements, senses and responds rapidly to demand signals from all partners. The challenge is to successfully put in place the organisation structure, systems and processes which tackle the root causes of supply chain inefficiency. The importance of customer relationship management (CRM) within the supply chain is vitally important. The research paper attempts to find out the factors leading to customer satisfaction in Indian dairy industry. The study includes factor analysis in order to group the various practices into a smaller set of homogeneous factor. As per the result of the factor analysis performed on the agreement continuum of the customer questionnaire, five factors emerged prominently, i.e. customer services, customer problem solving capability, value for money offers, product quality, and product & service reliability. The most prominent factor that emerged is the customer services, followed by customer problem solving capability, value for money offers, product quality, and last factor is product & service reliability.

Keywords: Customer Relationship Practices (CRP), Customer Satisfaction, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Indian Dairy Industry, Factor Analysis

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