Friday, 07 Mar, 2025




Digital Transformation Model in the State Universities in Cameroon Based on Actor Network Theory

International Journal of Distributed and Cloud Computing

Volume 11 Issue 1

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Tatiana Eyenga Ovono, Ghislain Abessolo Aloo and Roger Atsa Etoundi | Author(s) Affiliation: University of Yaounde I, Cameroon.
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The number of students increases every year in all universities in Cameroon. The facilities in each university do not allow efficient teaching and training of students. For a given course, instead of delivering one class per week in a normal situation, the same class is delivered many times per week to allow students to try the course. For some classes that can’t be scheduled multiple times a week, students attempt the class by standing outside the amphitheater when it is already full. In this chaotic situation, it becomes extremely difficult to schedule an internship that would allow students to gain experience. As a result, the failure rate is very high, students who managed to graduate did not have the necessary skills to scope with real world problems related to the environment or applied area of study. Now, the main question is how to scope with a larger number of students in the case of insufficient teaching and training facilities. More specifically, how to facilitate digital transformation in state universities in Cameroon? This is the objective of this thesis. To address this issue, the Actor Network Theory is used. The result is the definition of the digital transformation model and its implementation to facilitate the adoption of technologies in the teaching and learning process in state universities in Cameroon.

Keywords: Actor network theory, Business process modeling, Digital transformation, M-learning, Quality of service.

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