Adoption and Diffusion of Electronic Banking by Customers: Critical Analysis of Empirical Evidences
Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: Kamalpreet Kaur & Mandeep Kaur
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Electronic banking is the new trend significantly adopted by banking sector worldwide due to its
wider scope for the customers as well as banks at large. It has potential to hold great promises
for bankers to grab huge business opportunities. In the present study, the diverse literature
available worldwide on the adoption and diffusion of e banking has been explored to identify the
significant constructs which enable innovation to diffuse among the customers and ultimately
lead to its adoption. Its main purpose is to understand the trend of various research aspects
prevailing in the field of banking and related to the adoption of innovative services by customers.
In order to review the relevant literature, research papers have been collected from the referred
journals related to innovation, marketing and banking. Qualitative approaches have been used
in order to analyse and compare the main findings as well as applicability of the research
papers. Hence, using an interpretative and critical approach through content analysis of the
studies reviewed, the important measures viz. Research Methodology, Sample size, Respondents’
profile, Model applied and Significant Constructs have been taken into account for further
inquiry. This study builds up a strong conceptual framework for the researchers by thoroughly
analyzing the empirical studies of last 11 years i.e. from 1999 to 2009 which further links the
consumers’ perceptions and orientation to practical implications.
Keywords: Adoption and Diffusion Models, Electronic banking, Technology, Literature Review,
Content Analysis.
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