Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Impact of Risk Tolerance and Demographic Factors on Financial Investment Decision

International Journal of Financial Management

Volume 8 Issue 1

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Mitali Baruah, Abhishek Kiritkumar Parikh | Author(s) Affiliation: V. M. Patel Institute of Management, Ganpat University, Gujarat, India.
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Risk tolerance is popularly used in the personal financial planning industry to understand an investor’s attitude towards risk. In the twenty-first century, it is very important for the various investment firms, fund managers, financial planners to understand financial investment decisions of an investor for developing a strategy for the sale of their investment products in market. However, financial decisions of an individual not only depend on financial risk-tolerance level, but also upon different demographic factors. Thus, this study is undertaken to develop a model that helps in understanding impact of risk tolerance and demographic factors jointly on investment decision, especially, a decision related to level of investment. Also, investor may be having higher risk tolerance for the calculative investment but may be having lover risk tolerance in speculative investment. So, based on extensive literature support, this research has tried to propose a model for understanding the impact of investment risk tolerance, capital risk tolerance, speculative risk tolerance, and six important demographic variables jointly on investment decision. Thus, this study would be helpful to investment firms in understanding impact of risk tolerances and demographic variables jointly on level of investment of investors, which can be used for designing a strategy or investment product to offer to the investors with different levels of financial risk tolerance and different demographic profiles.

Keywords: Demographic Factors, Investment Decision, Investment Firm, Investors, Risk Tolerance

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