Monday, 22 Jul, 2024




Profi t Performance of Indian Commercial Banks in the Post-Reform Period: Has it Improved

International Journal of Financial Management

Volume 1 Issue 4

Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: Santosh Kumar Mahapatra
Locked Subscribed Available for All


Banking institutions have always played a significant role in the economic development of nations. The case of India is not an exception to this. In fact, the banking sector in India has been in the lime light since 1991 because of its reform measures. A number of measures have been taken since then and the question comes to mind whether India has gained from these measures. The present paper is an attempt in this respect and examines the performance of Indian banks in the post-reform period in terms of profit performance. The study finds that profit performance of Indian banks have improved significantly in the post-reform period and thus the reform measures are justified and should continue in the future Keywords: Banking, profitability, performance of banks

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