Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Tax Avoidance and Financial Performance of Quoted Firms in Nigeria

International Journal of Financial Management

Volume 10 Issue 1

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Adeduro Adesola Ogunmakin, Micah Juwon Akinleye, Oluwafemi Dele Anifowose, Adesodun Isaac Adebayo | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Accounting, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State.
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The study examined the relationship between tax avoidance and financial performance of selected quoted firms in Nigeria. Secondary method of data collection was adopted. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting five out of 17 quoted industries in Nigeria and two firms each from the sampled industries Variables tested for tax avoidance are tax cost savings (COS); profit before tax (PBT) and debt equity ratio (DER). Earnings per share (EPS) were proxy for profitability. Data were subjected to pretest analyses including correlation test, panel unit root test and panel co-integration test, followed by panel estimation including pooled OLS, fixed effect, random effect estimation, alongside post estimation tests such as restricted f-test, Hausman test, heteroscedasticity test, cross-sectional dependence test, and autocorrelation test. Results showed that profit before tax and debt equity ratio exert a significant positive impact on earnings per share while tax cost savings exert an insignificant negative impact. The study concluded that earning per share is substantial with all the tax avoidance variables showing statistically significant, with the impact of tax cost saving specifically contributing to increase in earnings per share. This study therefore recommends that management should device a model that can help evaluate the appropriate leverage ratio fit for the implementation of tax avoidance strategies to ensure that strategies are adopted without posing threat to the going concern of the firm.

Keywords: Tax Avoidance, Earnings Per Share, Profit Before Tax, Debt Equity Ratio, Tax Cost Savings, Panel Regression

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