Testing the Consistency in Rating Methodology: A Study of Rating Agencies in India
Published: 2011
Author(s) Name: Dr. Rajinder Kaur, Kuljeet Kaur
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The credit rating agencies evaluate the intrinsic worth
of a company and assign ranks to the companies
accordingly. These agencies have become important
in view of the increasing number of companies going
to the public for funds and also due to government
stipulating that corporate bodies wanting to raise funds
from the market should have their debt instrument
rated. These agencies provide unbiased assessment
of credit worthiness of the companies issuing debt
instruments and thus restore the confi dence in the
capital market. The main objective of the paper is to
assess the consistency in rating methodology of rating
agencies by taking companies belonging to different
rating (between group) classes as sample. It has been
revealed in the study that there has been inconsistency
in the methodology adopted by all the four rating
agencies while assigning different rating grades.
Keywords: Credit Rating, Credit rating agencies,
Consistency, Solvency ratios, Profi tability ratios.
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